Enchanted Roses is a classic and timeless bouquet featuring a stunning selection of fresh roses in your choice of colour. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or appreciation, this bouquet is artfully arranged to highlight the natural beauty and elegance of each rose. Whether it's for a romantic gesture, an anniversary, a birthday, or any special occasion, Enchanted Roses will surely make a lasting impression.
* Leave your colour preference for the arrangement on the note with the delivery info.
Note: Please note that due to seasonal availability, the flowers in this arrangement may vary and may not be exactly as pictured. We ensure that every bouquet maintains the same quality and aesthetic appeal.
Enchanted roses
How to enjoy your beautiful blooms! 🌸😊
1. Change water every 2-3 days.
2. Trim stems 1 cm each time you change the water.
3. Remove wilted flowers to extend the bouquet’s life.
4. Keep flowers in a cool, shaded spot.At O’Blooms, we ensure every flower arrangement is hand-delivered with care.
🌟 Personalized Service: Our delivery team hand-delivers your flowers to make their day special.
📞 Confirming Delivery: We call or text the recipient to confirm they’re home, avoiding any issues with the weather and ensuring a joyful delivery.